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Please support our work if you feel we have to offer something valuable. One way to support our educational and outreach programmes is to become a member. Click on the member icon below, fill in the Membership form and post it back to us at:


Hare Krishna Centre
28 Evington Road
Leicester LE2 1HG


Hare  Krishna Centre Leicester - Membership


You can decide the level of your monthly contribution, either Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum. It may be £10, £20, £30, £50 or more. Please also tick the Gift Aid box at the bottom of the form as this will enable us to reclaim 25 percent of your contribution from the Inland Revenue if you are a UK tax payer. We in turn will place you on our mailing list and send you regularly a small gift in the form of a CD, DVD, a calendar, prasadam etc. as a thank you gesture from us. You can also donate by PayPal.


Annadan - Food for Life Prasadam Distribution


To sponsor our Annadan Food for Life Prasadam Distribution (free hot vegetarian organic meals for the homeless and needy) click on this link to open the Annadan form, save it to your computer, fill it out and email it back to us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Then click the PayPal logo below. Please also sign our Gift Aid Form as the Inland Revenue will top up your donation by currently 25 percent.



Bank Transfer


You can also make a Bank Transfer directly into our account:


HSBC Bank - Hare Krishna Centre

Sort Code: 40-28-03

Account Number: 91465317


Alternatively you can send us a cheque payable to "Hare Krishna Centre".


You can also support us via MobileTextGiving by texting SEVA12 £10 to the number 70070. Amounts can be £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 and £10.


Bhagavad Gita Sponsorship Programme


Click here to take part!


We are distributing Bhagavad Gitas and are looking for sponsorships. The various sponsorship levels are 20 Gitas (£101), 30 Gitas (£151), 40 Gitas (£201), 50 Gitas (£251), 60 Gitas (£301) and 100 Gitas (£501). We can either get the Gitas to you and you will distribute them or alternatively we distribute them on your behalf. A mix of both is also possible. Please let us know.


As a gesture of appreciation and reciprocation we will give you a full 30 volume Srimad Bhagavatam set if you are able to sponsor 100 Bhagavad Gitas or more. Get in touch with us.


Tulasi Get Tulasi Seeds from us ...

PayPal Donation

Use the PayPal button below for Tulsi Donations. Suggested Donation £10-20



Basic Instructions for Growing Tulsi


We are sending you between 20-30 seeds. Please don't plant all your seeds as you would need 20-30 pots, one tulsi tree per pot.


The seeds are tiny and black or dark brown. There are some hulls also which may still contain some seeds. What you want to plant are the tiny black seeds only.


Best get some seeding compost and a tray or pot and plant some single seeds apart from each other. Cover them very slightly with fine and sieved compost and keep moist. If you allow them to dry out they will not germinate. You could cover the pot or tray with a piece of glass to keep the moisture in until the first green seedlings appear.


Once they are large enough to handle transplant each in a separate clay pot, first smaller and in due course of time larger.


Tulsi needs a warm window spot in your house with plenty of sunlight. Best is an East or South facing window without any or much shadow from neighbouring buildings. In the summer you can also place her in a greenhouse or take her outside into the sun on a sunny day. She will love it.


Tulsi doesn't like too much water when having grown larger. If you overwater her her leafs with dry out around the edges.


You can always get in touch if you have any questions. Don't forget Tulsi is bhakti devi. She thrives on bhakti or devotion. Sing to her, chant and pray in front of her and speak with her and she will grow beyond your expectations.

Last Updated (Wednesday, 19 July 2017 18:27)

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In Srimad-Bhagavatam, Third Canto, Twenty-ninth Chapter, verses 12 and 13, Srila Kapiladeva, while instructing His mother, has given the following characteristics of pure devotional service: "My dear mother, those who are My pure devotees, and who have no desire for material benefit or philosophical speculation, have their minds so much engaged in My service that they are never interested in asking Me for anything—except to be engaged in that service. They do not even beg to live in My abode with Me."


There are five kinds of liberation, namely to become one with the Lord, to live with the Supreme Lord on the same planet, to have the same features as the Lord, to enjoy the same opulences as the Lord and to live as a companion of the Lord. A devotee, what to speak of rejecting material sense gratification, does not even want any of the five kinds of liberation. He is satisfied simply by discharging loving service to the Lord. That is the characteristic of pure devotion. (Nectar of Devotion 1, Characteristics of Pure Devotional Service)