The Bird And The Swastika
Russia and the Ukraine possess thousands of rivers which flow across these vast lands and many of their names can be found within the ancient language of Sanskrit.
'Sava' and 'Kama' and 'Samara' and 'Padma' and 'Usha' and 'Siva' and 'Kala' and 'Sura' are some of the rivers whose names are seen within the language of Sanskrit.
'Ravan' and 'Varna' and 'Dvina' and 'Vaja' and 'Angara' and 'Valgu' and 'Sukhana' and 'Kuma' are more rivers which can also be seen within the language of Sanskrit.
'Surya' is not so common, a name belonging to Sanskrit and Veda and a name describing a personality behind the 'Sun' yet it flows as the name of a Russian river.
As rivers journey towards the Sea, ancient sages journey towards 'Moksa' the path of 'liberation' and there flowing throughout the lands of Russia is the river 'Moksa'.
Sages can only complete this path of liberation through the mercy of a devotee of God and within the lands of Russia we see the river 'Narada' the greatest of devotees.
Russia and the Ukraine were once one, and within the lands of the Ukraine we see the region of the 'Mezine' an archeological site whose stones and bones tell a story.
15,000 years ago the people upon this land carved a bird from the ivory tusk of a wooly mammoth and upon this bird is the oldest evidence ever found of the 'Swastika'.
The bird and the swastika had been discovered near a river whose name was 'Desna' a word within the Slavic languages whose meaning is 'right' and 'right hand'.
'Desna' whose meaning is 'right handed' has its origins within the language of Sanskrit where we see 'Daksa' and 'Daksina' meaning 'dexterous' 'right handed' 'right'.
'Daksa' is also the name of a Vedic priest whose offerings into the fire was so great his name was synonymous with 'right hand' and even today his name is seen in 'Dexterous'.
'Daksa' whose meaning is 'right handed' can also be seen within the name of 'Daksa' an island off the coast of Croatia whose meaning is that which is 'right handed'.
'Desna' a river within the Ukraine whose name means 'right handed' is accompanied upon its journey by another great river whose name is known as the 'Dnieper'.
'Dneiper' is a river whose name is composed of 'Danu' the river goddess of the Vedas and a name within Sanskrit whose meaning is she which gives ( da ) waters ( nu ).
'Dnieper' is also composed of 'Apara' a word within the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is 'boundless' and 'lower' and 'distant' as in the lower ( apara ) danu.
'Desna' and 'Dnieper' are not simply two rivers which flow together through the lands of the Ukraine as according to the Vedas they are both 'father' and 'daughter'.
'Desna' is the personification of 'Daksa' the great dexterous priest and the 'Dnieper' is the personification of 'Danu' the great river goddess of the ancient Vedas.
'Daksa' the great priest of the Vedas possessed many daughters who would become great personalities and one of them was 'Danu' the ancient goddess of the waters.
Last Updated (Friday, 03 January 2025 19:21)