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Home Lectures Prabhupada Padma


Prabhupada Padma by Rasa



Following is the translation of 'Prabhupada Padma', in glorification of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja Prabhupada, composed by H.H. Srila Sridhar Gosvami Maharaja.


1) His lotus feet are served in devotion by multitudes of high, virtuous souls; he is the establisher of the religion of the age (as Sri Krsna-sankirttana); he is the presiding monarch (of the Visva-Vaisnava-Raja-Sabha — the universal society of the pure devotees that are the true ‘kings’ or guides of all); and he is the fulfiller of the most cherished desires of those who dispel fear (for all souls). I make my obeisance unto the lotus feet of that illustrious great soul, worshipable by one and all — perpetually do I make my obeisance unto the radiance emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my lord.


2) He is the leader of the fortunate souls blessed with the treasure of internal pure devotion; he is greatly merciful upon the fallen souls, being their only shelter; and his inconceivable holy feet are the shelter for the deceivers, by deceiving them. I make my obeisance unto his lotus feet — perpetually do I make my obeisances unto the radiance emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my lord.


3) I make my obeisance unto his divine, charming yet commanding lofty form of golden hue. That beautiful figure shames the mad ecstasy of golden lotus stems. Venerated by tens of millions of Cupids, the moons of the toenails of my Worshipful Divine Master reveal the beauty of his lotus feet. Perpetually do I make my obeisance unto that effulgence emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my lord.


4) Like the moon that delights the stars, he is surrounded by his circle of personal servitors, making their hearts bloom in divine ecstasy. The malicious non-devotees are made to flee in panic by the sound of his thunderous roar, and the simple, inoffensive souls attain the ultimate fortune by accepting his lotus feet. I make my obeisance unto him; perpetually do I make my obeisance unto the brilliance emanating from the toenails of the holy lotus feet of my lord.


5) He has revealed the vast, magnificent beauty of Sri Gaura Dhama; he has broadcast the tidings of the supreme magnanimity of Sri Gauranga throughout the whole universe; and in the hearts of the fit recipients of his grace, he has firmly established the lotus feet of Sri Gaura. I make my obeisance unto him; perpetually do I make my obeisance unto the effulgence emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my lord.


6) He is the eternal shelter and the Universal Guru for the souls surrendered unto Sri Gauranga. Absorbed in the service of his Gurudeva, Sri Gaura Kisora, he wholeheartedly adores Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura. I make my obeisance unto him; perpetually do I make my obeisance unto the effulgence emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my lord.


7) He is the illustrious personality to raise the flag that sings the glory of Sri Rupa, Sanatana, and Sri Raghunatha. His glory is sung throughout the world as nondifferent from the powerful personality of brilliant erudition, Sri Jiva. And he has won the renown of being one with the hearts of Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja and Thakura Narottama. I make my obeisance unto him; perpetually do I bow down to the brilliance emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Divine Master.


8) Bestowing his grace upon all souls, he is Hari-kirttana incarnate. As the associate of Sri Gaura, he relieves Mother Earth of the burden of offences committed upon her. And he is so gracious that his endurance of all beings excels that of even a father. I make my obeisance unto him—the mine of all these qualities; perpetually do I bow down to the effulgence emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Divine Master.


9) Like a wish-fulfilling tree for his surrendered servitors (he fulfills their heart’s aspiration), even a tree is shamed by his magnanimity and forbearance. And great personalities who are competent to confer boons—they, too, worship his lotus feet. I make my obeisance unto him; perpetually do I bow down to the radiance emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Divine Master.


10) The crown-jewel of the paramahamsas, the Prince of the treasure of the supreme perfection of life, Sri Krsna-prema, he accepted the robes of a mendicant sannyasi just to deliver the fallen souls. The topmost tridandi sannyasis attend his lotus feet. I make my obeisance unto him; perpetually do I bow down to the effulgence emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Divine Master.


11) He is the dear most intimate follower of the Divine Daughter of Sri Vrsabhanu, and I know myself as the most fortunate by taking the dust of his holy feet upon my head. I make my obeisance unto his invincible, wondrously purifying lotus feet— perpetually do I bow down to the brilliance emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Divine Master.



Last Updated (Monday, 22 April 2013 08:25)

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There are many jealous people in the dress of Vaishnavas in this Krishna consciousness movement, and they should be completely neglected. There is no need to serve a jealous person who is in the dress of a Vaishnava. When Narottama dasa Thakura says chadiya vaisnava seva nistara peyeche keba, he is indicating an actual Vaisnava, not an envious or jealous person in the dress of a Vaishnava. (CC Madhya 1.218)