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Home Articles We and Politicians





We've made friends with politicians, but politicians are just politicians until they wear tilak and neckbeads in public… and proclaim their devotion to the Golden Lord of madhurya rasa… then they can truly be called friends and real well wishers.


Just to have a big leader come to an event of ours… now and heretofore referred to as ISKCON… is not really a compliment. After all, they are politicians…! In fact, it's a real sign of danger that we have become so blended, that we have forgotten Srila Prabhupada's statement back in the day... "If they knew what I was really doing, they would kill me immediately." Because what Prabhupada is doing, is giving a formula to dissolve everyone's material life… certainly not enhance it.


If the original formula given by His Divine Grace were to be carried out to his satisfaction, we would be living our lives in a simple village setting… cows, Deities, self-sufficient… chanting, going to the cities… chanting… giving books… inviting people to cut their ties with the hectic material environment, and come live with us, where you can chant without restriction or interruption. This is called dissolving your material life. This is, or is supposed to be, the next phase of this movement. But instead we have allowed the passion for acceptance to blind and practically disable the actual purpose of this movement.


If we were to ask Mr. Cameron… do you know what the acronym "ISKCON" means…? I would put money down easily that he does not know… but since I'm not a gambling man…


ISKCON has now established itself as mainstream… has lost its cutting edge, and has blended into peaceful… and forgettable Hinduism… church-a-million… which the politicians will pander to because of money and votes. This is not the purpose of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Which, by the way, Prabhupada has defined in Krsna Book… The society for loving Krishna… (understanding the attainment of Krishna Prema, the only goal of human life).


What has happened, dear readers, is a vibrant movement of colorful design has become lost in offences to the Holy Names… and at the moment, this one comes to mind… "To consider the chanting of the holy names to be one of the auspicious ritualistic processes mentioned in the Karmakanda section of the Vedas for fruitive activities." How have we come to adore opulence? And worse, seem to want and pursue opulence… even though we are instructed by our teachers, most prominently Srila Prabhupada, to avoid it at all costs. (I can provide numerous references if you like.)


In fact, he has ordered us to build simple Vrindavan villages for the devotees to live in… and he said… "AT ANY COST… DO IT"!


Chanting of the pure names of Krishna is the only way… nasteva, nasteva… to attract the Supreme Lord. He is simply not impressed by opulence… or the mood that prevails of awe and reverence to gain that opulence from Him.


This movement has seen a billboard, and taken an exit that promises acceptance and friendship with those from whom we seem to want validation. They should be coming to us wanting validation… not the reverse. We do not want to make friendship with materialists… even in the garb of religious persons. We must be the teachers, not the students… we must be the leaders, not the followers… because we have the cutting device that dissolves their material existence. Only then will we have fulfilled our purpose as disciples of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. We have to be very clever and tactful and remember that we are on the carefully crafted mission to facilitate the end of all the conditioned souls' material lives.


Harinam sankirtana is the only way… we must do it every day… intently and intensely. We may be successful with the politicians or we may not… it matters not… But we must be true to the mission of Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada. (At Murari we have 7 hours a day dedicated to hearing and chanting, every day without fail… it's amazing.)


And if they feel they must kill us… so what! My heart is at peace.


Yes, it's me... your servant, because of his mercy… Gadidas… always on call… This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


PS… We have just begun work on a new magazine… paper and online… called "The Essence Drinker" (Srila Bhaktivinode's coined phrase)… dedicated to the study and understanding of our mission, through the process of Harinam Sankirtana. Many wonderful topics will be made clear, intended to cut to the core of our sampradaya's understandings. Be on the lookout for it… 2 months or so…




Last Updated (Tuesday, 21 June 2016 00:37)

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Krishna consciousness means we should always be satisfied and happy, not that we must work something impossible, become overburdened and then, because we are unhappy by so much trouble, we lose enthusiasm and give up all hope. By all means we must preserve our spiritual status. That is the point.


Not that we are mad after big buildings, many devotees, life members, this, that. No. These are only the ways to engage the devotees, so that they may apply the principles of devotional service to some kind of work. It is not the result of the work that we want. If we sincerely preach to only one person a day, that is sufficient, never mind big, big programs.