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Home Articles Transcendental ISKCON and Twilight ISKCON


What is ISKCON? ISKCON is the followers of Srila Prabhupada. So that his followers could associate together and realize his teachings, Srila Prabhupada created the legal entity known and registered as ISKCON. But it was never about creating a corporate entity to which people surrendered. ISKCON was and is meant as a shelter for those who have faith and love for Srila Prabhupada and the path of transcendental life that he taught with such enthusiasm. Put simply, ISKCON is the devotees of Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krsna. The external form comprising the legal documents, meetings, title deeds, property, etc., are all subordinate to the goal of providing an association of spirit souls who want to collectively hear and chant the glories of Sri Sri Gaur Nitai, Sri Sri Radha Krsna and Their devotees. ISKCON is the society of devotees, not the bricks and mortar and legal documents. Thus ISKCON is the actual devotees. You are ISKCON. Where you go, ISKCON goes.

Vaisnavism is the ultimate in personalism. The Vaisnavas know that the highest aspect of the Absolute Truth is the Personality of Godhead. The personal aspect reigns Supreme, bestowing nectarine bliss. The whole creation is an expression of Sri Krsna’s personality. The Bhagavatam informs us that the birds with their wondrous plumage are created out of the artistic flair of the Supreme Personality. In the Gita, Sri Krsna explains to Arjuna that he should understand that all beautiful and mighty creations are created out of a single spark of His splendor. The message is clear, but easily forgotten in this material creation, that the personal reigns Supreme over the impersonal.

Sri Krsna explains that he is equal to all, and yet he is personally inclined to those who render him service. To those that render Him dedicated loving service, He personally carries what they lack and personally preserves what they have. He instructs Arjuna to declare it boldly that His devotees will never perish because He personally protects them. To those that surrender to Him, He assures that He will personally subdue all pending sinful reactions, finally emphasizing, “Do not fear.”

The wonderful Vaisnava, Srila Prabhupada, captured the hearts of his followers ultimately not by his knowledge, his austerity, his influence, his intellect, his dignity, but by his wonderful personal dealings. Vaisnavism is not about protocols and rituals, it is about the heart. And those that met Srila Prabhupada knew they were touched by a heart that was as broad as the ocean, a mahatma. Even when Srila Prabhupada was chastising us errant souls, we all felt that we were being drawn closer to that loving ocean. One smile from Srila Prabhupada was enough for a lifetime.

Srila Prabhupada oft stated his desire was to create even just one moon. If he could create just one paramahamsa sadhu, then he would consider all his traveling, translating, book distribution, preaching and counseling, all his labors well worthwhile. A giant institution, lots of territory, lots of bricks and mortar, lots of material power, he never mentioned as his goal. All the material facilities of ISKCON, necessary within this world, were for the advancement of his devotees, just as this material body is a facility for the soul’s transcendental realization and ultimate perfection.

The body may be used well spiritually or misused materially, but always the soul is more important than the body. Similarly, the material facilities of ISKCON may be used or misused, but the vital component is always the faithful devotees. Those great souls who have dedication and love for Srila Prabhupada join Srila Prabhupada as the soul of ISKCON. This union of surrendered souls with Srila Prabhupada in selfless devotion to Sri Radha Krsna is the Transcendental ISKCON.

Yes, all this disobedient “centralizing and bureaucracy” and hyperactive, incompetent book-editing is going on. Yes, disobedient diksa-guru rubber-stamping is going on. Yes, the GBC live in their terrible little world where they think the “ISKCON Law Book” overrides “The Nectar of Devotion” of Srila Rupa Goswami. Yes, monsters are taking monstrous salaries. Yes, the valid calls for reform from experienced and dedicated followers of Srila Prabhupada are ignored. And, yes, the whistle-blowers are routinely marginalized, even violently. But we should not be surprised at this, for the demoniac will always go for and try to misuse the external form. They never see the true form of the creation; they never see the true form of ISKCON, wherein the sincere souls commune with Srila Prabhupada through his teachings and mercy.

In the Bhagavatam, we hear that the demons were born from the anus of Lord Brahma, and then overcome with lust, they madly approached Lord Brahma for sex and domination. Disgusted by this rapacious behavior, Lord Brahma cast off a body of twilight that distracted and befuddled those evil beings away from his actual form. Similarly, we have seen so many evil personalities born out of the anus of ISKCON. They have approached ISKCON to rape ISKCON. They have seen ISKCON as something they can dominate, exploit and enjoy. Yet, it is plainly evident that they never touched the Transcendental ISKCON, wherein the pure devotees gather to hear the nectar from Srila Prabhupada.

The ISKCON anus-born, lusty for position, thought they were sitting on vyasasanas, but they were just fancy cushions for fools. They thought they were being worshipped, but the bell was only tolling before the time of their destruction. They thought they were powerful, but they were the puppets of illusion. They thought they knew what was best, but that was their insanity speaking. They chased the Twilight ISKCON and found themselves flushed away, because they forgot they were servants of the devotees and their spiritual master.

So dear devotees of Srila Prabhupada, you, the sincere spirit souls, are the only ISKCON Srila Prabhupada wanted to create. Where you are, that is where the Transcendental ISKCON is to be found. You are the only real ISKCON. All Srila Prabhupada’s labors were labors of love in your service. Srila Prabhupada declared himself as the servant of his disciples, as sent by his own Guru. All his conversations, lectures, temples and books were created in your service for your transcendental benefit. Srila Prabhupada only thought about giving. Thus he is the true representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for our eternal existence is but a generous gift from Sri Sri Radha Krsna. Those in transcendence give.

Transcendental ISKCON can never be touched by the materially motivated; they will only enter the Twilight ISKCON. Those in Transcendental ISKCON will sit at Srila Prabhupada’s lotus feet and learn how to give; those in Twilight ISKCON will always try to take. Those in Transcendental ISKCON will understand that the service of pure devotees is the zenith of all endeavor; those in Twilight ISKCON will grasp at the buildings, positions and money, but only find they have nothing at all.

We hope this is found helpful,

Your servant, Balavidya dasa


Last Updated (Thursday, 23 June 2016 18:21)

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My Dear Tamala Krishna. Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 12, 1969 along with the copy of the West Coast president's report of the meeting held at Berkeley. Gradually this meeting should develop into a committee of the West Coast presidents, and similarly there should be one for the East Coast, so in the future we can form a central governing body for the whole institution. Therefore the management should be done very cautiously so that everyone is satisfied in their autonomous managing capacity. Of course, the central point is the order of the Spiritual Master, and I am very glad that you are trying to give importance to this aspect of management.