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Home Multimedia Video Sunrise In Goloka


This video has been produced by Care for Cows, Vrindavan. The video speaks for itself. It will transport you back 5,000 years when Krishna and His cowherd friends were walking on the white sands of the Vrindavan forests and tending their cows.


"I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor who is tending the cows, yielding all desire, in abodes built with spiritual gems, surrounded by millions of purpose trees, always served with great reverence and affection by hundreds of thousands of laksmis or gopis." (Brahma-samhita 5.29)


Anadir adir govindah [Bs. 5.1]. Govinda means... Go means three things. What is that? Go means the senses, and go means cow, and go means land. There are three meanings of go. So He gives pleasure to these three things. Wherever He is present, it becomes blissful, ananda. Anandamayo 'bhyasat (Vedanta-sutra 1.1.12). The Vedanta-sutra says, anandamaya, always full of... Krsna, the reservoir of pleasure. So whenever He is present, in whichever land, in whichever country, in whichever planet He is present, it becomes full of bliss, ananda. Govinda. And He is playing just like cowherd boy, sixteen-year-boy and playing with cows. His father has got many cows, and He goes to the cows, pleasure trip with friends. That is Krsna's business. He is not going to any office or any factory. You see? So gostha. He goes, and His mother gives Him sufficient to eat. And after eating breakfast, with His friends and His flute and cows He goes outside for pleasure trip. That is Krsna's business. Therefore He is Govinda.


The cows, oh, as soon as they see Krsna, they become... They lick up His face and body, and every cow has got a different name. As soon as He will call, the cow will come immediately and dropping milk. And those cows are also spiritual. Surabhi. It is described in the Brahma-samhita. Surabhir abhipalayantam [Bs. 5.29]. Surabhi. Surabhi cow means nonexhaustive. You can milk as much milk you want and as many times. In the material world the cow is limited. There is time that you can milk, morning and evening, and so much quantity, not more than that. But surabhir means you can milk those cows anytime you like and you can draw milk as many as you like, as much as you like. This is called surabhi. Surabhir... In the description of Brahma-samhita: cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa-laksavrtesu surabhir abhipalayantam [Bs. 5.29]. Surabhir abhipalayantam. So therefore He is Govinda. He gives... He is pleasure for everyone. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Lecture, Madhya-lila 20.152-154 -- New York, December 5, 1966)




Last Updated (Tuesday, 29 May 2012 07:10)

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"Therefore having a bona fide spiritual master and serving him and pleasing him and getting his mercy is essential. Otherwise there can be no advancement in Krishna consciousness. And unless the spiritual master is a pure devotee of Krishna then he has no potency to give you Krishna. He is simply a cheating rascal. So in fact above all the rules and regulations and offenses I have mentioned the most important thing, the essential thing, which is required if you want to come to the stage of purely chanting the Hare Krishna mantra is you must have a bona fide spiritual master who is a pure devotee of Krishna. Without having a bona fide spiritual master you can chant Hare Krishna forever but you will not be able to advance because Krishna does not reveal Himself in this way. He only reveals Himself to those devotees who surrender to and serve and please His pure devotees." (Srila Prabhupada letter to his London disciples, July, 1969)