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Home Articles Neofights


Haribol everyone out there in Vaniland :-)


This morning by Krishna's grace, I am doing what I love to do. And do you know what that is?


That's right, my dear prabhus, I am associating with a very, very dear devotee of Lord Krishna, and I am very happily exploring his teachings, and assisting him to bring them into their full bloom for the benefit of all. Surely no better blessing could be upon me.


I find however that life is a struggle, and the struggle I experience is coming mostly from the other living entities. And I see them struggling with each other, thus dissension, quarrel, and all sorts of frustrating interpersonal conflicts go on very regularly. I perceive this mostly to be going on with the living entities embodied in the human form. It seems to be happening to a lesser degree in the other species of life. They are pretty much getting on with their business of eating, sleeping, mating and defending, and don't seem to tread on each others toes so much.


But us little lo human beings, aren't we a poor state of affairs....


Of course as devotees we are trying very sincerely to get out of this vicious circle of interpersonal conflicts with each other and others, so normally we should not be experiencing this to any serious degree. But still I see this is happening. So why is this?


Maybe the name says it all. Neofights!!!!!! A neophyte is by definition obliged to fight with other living entities, and why is that, because he has not established his love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he has not developed friendships with his fellow devotees, nor has he developed compassion for the innocent people of this world, and neither has be learned to avoid those who are actually envious.


So without a doubt we have to become raised (notice I did not say "raise ourselves") above this neophyte platform. Raised by the grace and very expert guidance of Srila Prabhupada and his mature Krishna conscious followers.

Prabhupada is not expecting us to stay on this neophyte platform. And why is this? Because his mission is very important and for as long as we fight among ourselves his mission can not proceed steadily forward. So let us please Srila Prabhupada by swiftly move out of this platform by seriously surrendering.


"Neophyte means no independent decisions, no free will, that means surrender"


and then we can actually attain our real freedom of loving Krishna, having blissful and invigorating relationships with the devotees, serve with full compassion those souls who are as yet to experience our great fortune, and expertly avoid those persons that do not help us to continue along the path of bhakti. And we can actually then assist Srila Prabhupada in a truly intimate way.


And while we are trying for this, and when we slip back into quarrel, then we can remember these words of His Divine Grace,


"Disagreement does not last long because they patch it up for Krishna's sake"


and quickly pick ourselves back up to continue sincerely acting on the madhyama platform and all the while trying to enter into the in-depth attitude of this platform so that is actually begins to permeate our beings.


May Prabhupada bless you all with this continual aspiration in your lives.

your grateful and inspired servant


Visnu Murti dasa



Last Updated (Wednesday, 06 June 2012 07:14)

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Krishna consciousness means we should always be satisfied and happy, not that we must work something impossible, become overburdened and then, because we are unhappy by so much trouble, we lose enthusiasm and give up all hope. By all means we must preserve our spiritual status. That is the point.


Not that we are mad after big buildings, many devotees, life members, this, that. No. These are only the ways to engage the devotees, so that they may apply the principles of devotional service to some kind of work. It is not the result of the work that we want. If we sincerely preach to only one person a day, that is sufficient, never mind big, big programs.