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Home Articles Sanskrit And The Lands Of Romania




Romania is a world of medieval castles, charming towns and Gothic churches all reposing upon sublime vistas such as the Carpathian mountains, the Black Sea, the forests of Transylvania and the river Danube, and like much of this part of the world its language, its names and its place names are very much related to the language of Sanskrit.


As we search out the roots of the Romanian civilisation we arrive at the 'Dacians' whose home was once the auspicious regions of the river Danube, the Carpathian mountains and the Black Sea and it seems that these in turn are part of a civilisation who were known as the 'Thracians'.


As well as occupying regions within the Balkans, they were also prominent throughout Turkey and Asia Minor and it seems the Thracians may have been related to the Iranians as they passed through Asia Minor and crossed into the Balkans and the gateway to Europe.




The capital of Romania is 'Bucharest' which lies north of the great river Danube and its elegant architecture once conferred upon it the nick name of the 'paris of the east' a city which is said to be the fourth largest city of the European union.


'Bucharest' is a name which seems to possesses 'bhuj' a word from the language of Sanskrit which is formed from the root 'bhu' whose meaning is to 'exist' and which expands as 'bhuj' and 'bhuja' whose meanings are that which 'enjoys' that which is 'fulfilled'.


We find that the 'est' within the name of 'Bucharest' is seen as a suffix which appears within some 15% of the towns and the villages of Romania and seems to denote ancestry or place and so the name 'Bucharest' is said to mean the 'city of joy'.




As springtime appears across the lands of Romania its people celebrate 'Martisor' a festival where colourful amulets are tied upon friends and relatives as a blessing of health and protection and this can also be seen throughout the lands of Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria.

A similar festival is also celebrated throughout the lands of India ( as pictured above ) and here they perform 'raksa bandhan' where sisters tie colourful amulets around their brothers arms symbolising how they will always be bound ( bandham ) to their brothers by a tie of affection ( raksi ).


The name of 'Martisor' whose meaning is 'little march' is formed from 'mar' a root from the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is to "crush' to 'grind' to 'pound' and this becomes the 'maruts' the wind gods of the Vedas who accompany the red planet upon its destructive journey and from marut comes 'mars' from marut comes 'march' and from marut comes the name of this Romanian festival known as 'martisor'.




'Apa' is a word we find within the language of Sanskrit whose etymology is described as the start ( a ) of purification ( p ) and whose meaning is 'water' and we find within the language of Romania that they also have 'apa' as their word for 'water'.


Romania is the only language on planet earth which has this same word for 'water' there are a few corruptions but no other country has this exact word for 'water' and although there is a reason for this at the present moment it remains a mystery.


'Uda' is a word we find within Sanskrit whose etymology is described as that which comes from above ( ud ) and whose meaning is 'water' and within the language of Romania they also have 'uda' as their word for 'water' and although we see corruptions such as the Slavic 'voda' and the Latin 'unda' its only Romania which has the exact same word.




'Seas' and 'Oceans' are recognised within the language of Sanskrit by the word 'mira' a word expressing that which reaches ( ra ) the borders ( mi ) that which moves towards ( ra ) a boundary ( mi ) and as well as forming words such as 'kashmir' 'windermere' 'marine' 'merlin' and 'rosemary' its also seen in 'mare' a word from Romanian meaning 'Sea'.


Romania  -  vadhuva  -  Sanskrit  -  vidhava  -  English  -  widow  - Romania  - nepot  -  Sanskrit  -  napat  -  English  -  nephew  -  Romania  -  dara  - Sanskrit  - dana  -  English  -  giving  -  Romania  -  isvor  -  Sanskrit  -  isva  - English  - spring  -  Romania  -  saptamana  -  Sanskrit  -  saptaka  -  English  -  week.


Romanian  -  capat  -  Sanskrit  -  kapala  -  English  -  head  -  Romanian  -  pluta  -  Sanskrit  -  pluta  -  English  -  float  -  Romanian  -  greu  -  Sanskrit  -  guru  - English  -  heavy  -  Romanian  -  varcolac  -  Sanskrit  -  vrka  -  English  -  wolf and werewolf  - Romania  -  vedea  -  Sanskrit  -  veda  -  English  -  understand.


'Death' is recognised within the language of Sanskrit through 'Mr' a root expressing that which reaches ( r ) its limit ( m ) that which moves towards ( r ) its measure ( m ) and this expands as 'mrta' meaning 'death' which becomes 'marti' a word from Romania meaning 'death' and also 'mort' a word from Latin meaning 'death' and from this comes 'mortal' 'mortuary' 'murder' 'morose' and 'mortgage'.


Romanian  -  bogatie  -  Sanskrit  -  bhaga  -  English  -  opulence  -  Romanian  - ieri  -  Sanskrit  -  hyas  -  English  -  yesterday  -  Romanian  -  sta  -  Sanskrit  - stha  -  English  -  stand  -  Romanian  -  domiciliu  -  Sanskrit  -  dama  -  English  - house  -  Romanian  -  abucur  -  Sanskrit  -  uccar  -  English  -  climb/ascend.


Romanian  -  afara  -  Sanskrit  -  apara  -  English  -  beyond  -  Romanian  -  ager -  Sanskrit  -  aja  -  English  -  active  -  Romanian  -  ogor  -  Sanskrit  -  ajra  - English  -  field  -  Romanian  -  luneca  -  Sanskrit  -  lindu  -  English  -  slippery  - Romanian  -  amagi  -  Sanskrit  -  maga  -  English  -  mystify/magician.




Throughout most languages 'Dvi' and 'Dva' are words for number 'two' but only Sanskrit gives this number meaning as 'Vi' expresses 'separation' and 'D' expresses 'light' hence that which separates ( vi ) from the light ( d ) as the 'one' becomes 'two' an etymological and philosophical truth.


Romanian  -  doi  -  Sanskrit  -  dvi  -  English  -  two  -  Romanian  -  trei  - Sanskrit  -  tri  -  English  -  three  -  Romanian  -  cinci  -  Sanskrit  -  panca  - English  -  five  -  Romanian  -  sase  -  Sanskrit  -  sas  -  English  -  six  - Romanian  -  minte  -  Sanskrit  -  manati  -  English  -  remember.


Romanian  -  sapte  -  Sanskrit  -  sapta  -  English  -  seven  -  Romanian  -  noua  - Sanskrit  -  nava  -  English  -  nine  -  Romanian  -  decar  -  Sanskrit  -  dasa  - English  -  ten  -  Romanian  -  suta  -  Sanskrit  -  sata  -  English  -  hundred - Romanian  -  asuda  -  Sanskrit  -  sveda  -  English  -  sweat.




One of Romanias great heroes is King Decebalus whose image we see engraved within the mountain pictured above and his name is formed from two Sanskrit words 'dasa' meaning 'ten' and 'bala' meaning 'strength' as in one with the strength ( bala ) of ten ( dasa ) men.


Romanian  -  sarpe  -  Sanskrit  -  sarpa  -  English  -  snake  -  Romanian  -  musca  -  Sanskrit  -  mazaka  -  English  -  fly  -  Romanian  -  lubire  -  Sanskrit  -  lubha  -  English  -  love  -  Romanian  -  soare  -  Sanskrit  -  surya  -  English  -  sun -  Romanian  -  sedea  -  Sanskrit  -  sad  -  English  -  sit  -  Romanian  -  varsta  -  Sanskrit  -  varsa  -  English  -  year.


Romanian  -   lest  -  Sanskrit  -  las  -  English  -  lust  -  Romanian  -  cosita  - Sanskrit  -  kesa  -  English  -  hair  -  Romanian  -  topit  -  Sanskrit  -  tapta  - English  -  melted  -  Romanian  -  papuc  -  Sanskrit  -  paduka  -  English  - slipper -  Romanian  - apasa  -  Sanskrit  -  apis  -  English  -  press  -  Romanian  - asamana  -  Sanskrit - sama  -  English  -  equal.



Above we see the iron gates of the river Danube whose majesty is such one expects Neptune to suddenly rise out of the waters and hold back its banks and this ancient river which flows across the lands of Romania finds her origin within the Ancient Vedas of India.


Danu is described as a member of the 'Danavas' a river goddess who was born from the great 'Daksa' and became the wife of the great sage 'Kasyapa Muni' her name has been formed from the language of Sanskrit where its meaning is said to be she who gives ( da ) waters ( nu ).


Danu is also a goddess of the Ancient Celtic culture and her glories are spread throughout the lands of Europe where she appears as the river 'Don' she appears as the river 'Dniester' she appears as the river 'Dnieper' and she appears as the mighty 'Danube' the second longest river in Europe as she springs from the black forest of Germany and journeys onwards towards the Black Sea.




'Cerna' is a river which flows across the lands of Romania and again its source is the Ancient Vedic culture of India in the form of 'Krsna' a word from Sanskrit whose meaning is 'black' a description which has nothing to do with its etymology but as Krsna has a darkish complexion it comes to also mean 'black'.


'Somes' is one of the most important rivers which flows throughout the lands of Romania and a river which is produced from the confluence of the 'Somesul Mare' and the 'Somesul Mic' hence its name may have come from 'Samas' a word from the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is 'conjunction' 'connection' 'union' and 'fusion'.


'Siret' is a river which flows for some 400 miles as it journeys into Romania and merges into the Danube and its name is from 'Sarit' a word from the language of Sanskrit which possesses the same root as 'Sarasvati' and whose meanings are 'river' 'stream' and 'lord of the rivers'.




'Mures' is a river which flows throughout the lands of Romania as it journeys for nearly 500 miles and its name is formed from 'maros' whose meaning is 'Sea' and 'Ocean' and this has its origins within 'Mira' a word from the language of Sanskrit whose meaning 'Sea' and 'Ocean' and which is also seen in 'windermere' 'kashmir' 'merlin' 'marine' 'mermaid' 'marsh' and 'rosemary'.


'Dunarea' is a river which merges into the river 'Danube' and is said to be named after this river who is the personification of the Vedic and Celtic river goddess 'Danu' alternately it is said to be formed from the Latin 'donum' meaning 'gift' as it was related to a temple where gifts were offered by the Romans and this is also related to the Sanskrit 'dana' whose meaning is 'gift' 'giving' 'donation'.


'Arges' is a river which flows throughout the lands of Southern Romania and merges into the river 'Danube' and its name is formed from 'arg' a word from the language of Greece whose meaning is 'bright' 'shiny' 'silver' as seen in the place name 'Argentina' and its also related to 'Arjuna' a word from the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is 'bright' 'shiny' 'silver'.




'Vedea' is a river which flows across Romania and empties into the river 'Danube' its name is from 'wed' an indo/european root whose meaning is 'water' which is related to the Slavic 'voda' whose meaning is 'water' and whose source is 'uda' a word from the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is 'water' as in that which comes from above ( ud ).


'Sasar' is a river which flows upon the lands of Romania and due to industrial poisoning its now known as a 'dead river' and its name is said to be vague but once again we see the same root 'sar' which we see in 'Sarasvati' and also the river 'Sarit' a root 'Sr' whose meaning is that which 'flows'.


'Aries' is a river which flows throughout the lands of Romania, journeying some 100 miles before merging into the river 'Mures' and its name which is said to mean 'gold' is from the Indo/euro 'aus' whose meaning is 'gold' and this is related to 'ayas' a word from the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is 'gold'.




'Galati' is a city within the lands of Romania which resides upon the Danube river and its name is from the Arabic 'kalat' whose meaning is a 'castle on the rock' and this comes from the Persian 'kalat' whose meaning is 'fortress' and like much of the Persian language this comes from Sanskrit and 'kalatra' whose meaning is a 'royal citadel' and a 'fortress'.

'Deva' is a city which resides within the historic region of Transylvania and was first mentioned as 'Castrum Deva' a name from Latin whose meaning is the fortress ( castrum ) of god ( deva ) and this same name 'Castrum Deva' was the first Roman fort to be built within Britain ( chester ) its meaning once again the fortress ( castrum ) of god ( deva ) and a name whose home is Sanskrit and the gods and goddesses of the Ancient Vedic scriptures.


“Here on Indian land, Thracian art feels more at home than anywhere else outside of Bulgaria. Here one can tangibly feel the parallel, the similarity and the generic closeness in the symbolic nature of Thracian and Indian art during the 1st and 2nd centuries B.C., the closeness between the symbols, imagery and ideas in the thinking of Thracians and the people of Bharat, their common belief in the unity of the world and in the intransigent essence of light” Madame Lyudmila Zhivkova.



Last Updated (Thursday, 17 March 2022 20:47)

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Words of Wisdom from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura



We are put to test and trial in this world. Only those who attend the kirtana of the devotees can succeed.


Every spot on earth where discourses on God are held is a place of pilgrimage.


Possession of objects not related to Krsna is our main malady.


Let me not desire anything but the highest good for my worst enemies.


As dalliance with the body in luxury increases, so wanes the spirit of service of the Lord.


Those favored by God find their paths set by thorns.


There is no peace or happiness in our worldly life. Circumstances create turmoil and annoyance.


Chant the maha mantra loudly and with attachment. This will drive away inertia, worldly evils and pests.


Be indifferent to bazaar gossips, stick firmly to your cherished goals, no lack or impediments of the world will ever stand in your way.


Pay due respects to the extroverts of the world, but do not be appreciative of their manners and conduct. They are to be shaken off from your mind.


A devotee feels the presence of God everywhere, but one averse to the Lord denies His existence anywhere.


You cannot appreciate transcendental matters with the reasoning of the world. It is sheer nonsense to decry them with the measuring stick of your intellect.


To recite the name of Sri Krsna is bhakti.


Life is for the glorification of topics on Hari. If that is stopped, then what need is there to carry on life.


Physical illness with Hari-bhajana is preferred to physical fitness without Hari-bhajana.


Our span of life on earth is short. Our life will be crowned with success if the body wears out with constant discourses on Hari.


We are here on earth not to work as artisans for making big buildings with wood and stone but to work only as messengers for the teachings of Sri Caitanya Deva.


A sycophant is neither a guru or a preacher.


To transform the adverse desires of the jivas is the supreme duty of the most merciful. To rescue one person from the stronghold of Mahamaya is an act of superb benevolence, far superior to opening innumerable hospitals.


Unless we are devoted to God, secularism shall not leave us.


Look within. Amend yourself, rather than pry into the frailties of others.


In this world of Maya, averse to the Lord, full of trials and tribulations, only patience, humility and respect for others are our friends for Hari-bhajana.


The Lord, Gaurasundara, puts His devotees in various difficulties and associations to test their patience and strength of mind. Success depends on their good fortune.


When faults in others misguide and delude you - have patience, introspect, find faults in yourself. Know that others cannot harm you unless you harm yourself.


I wish that every selfless, tender-hearted person of Gaudiya Math will be prepared to shed two hundred gallons of blood for the nourishment of the spiritual corpus of every individual of this world.