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Home Articles Is Your Brain Really Necessary




A campus doctor from the city of Sheffield was treating one of its students for a minor ailment when he noticed that the students head was slightly larger than normal and so the doctor referred the student to the professor of neurology Dr John Lorber.


The student in question was known to be academically bright and as well as possessing an IQ of 126 he also possessed a PHD within mathematics but after undergoing a cat scan Doctor John Lorber discovered that the student possessed no brain.


Instead of two hemispheres filling the cranial cavity some 4.5 centimetres deep, the student had less than 1 millimetre of cerebral tissue covering the top of his spinal column hence the student was suffering from a condition known as 'hydrocephalus'.




'Hydrocephalus' whose meaning is water ( hydro ) upon the brain ( cephalus ) is a condition in which the cerebrospinal fluid, instead of circulating around the brain and then entering within the bloodstream, instead becomes dammed up inside.


A condition which is normally fatal within the first few months of childhood and even if the child survives they are usually seriously handicapped yet somehow this student managed to live a perfectly normal life and achieve an honours degree in mathematics.


This case is not as rare as it seems as in 1970 a New Yorker died at the age of 35, having left school with no academic achievements he worked as a janitor becoming a popular figure in his neighbourhood and the autopsy to determine his premature death revealed that he too had no brain.




Professor John Lorber has studied and identified several hundred similar cases where some of them he has described as having 'no detectable brain' and yet amazing as it may seem these people have gone on to score up to 120 on their IQ tests.


Dr Patrick Wall is a professor of anatomy at the University College of London and says "there are scores of similar cases which litter the medical journals going back a long, long way" "the important thing about Lorber is he has done a long series of systematic scanning, rather than dealing with just anecdotes, and gathering a remarkable set of data he challenges us to explain it".


According to mechanistic science, consciousness is an epiphenomenon of the brain, yet consciousness was fully present within those with no brains. According to empirical science thoughts are produced by the brain as gastric juices are produced by the stomach, yet thoughts were fully present within those with no brain to such a degree one achieved an IQ of 126 and a PHD in mathematics.



Dr Allen Hamilton is a Harvard trained brain surgeon and in his book 'The Scalpel And The Soul' he says "There is a technique used on awkward cases where they put the patient on a heart pump and cool down the blood and as the heart flutters and stops there is no blood flow to the brain and no electrical activity so you can operate upon a blood vessel with no blood flowing through it and once its done within a twenty minute time period the team gets ready to warm the patient up."


"Sometimes there's banter amongst the staff and one nurse mentioned she was getting engaged, they had gone to a restaurant, they had purchased a ring, and when the patient woke up she recalled the entire conversation, while her heart was stopped, while her brain was dead and this is scientifically impossible as there is nothing to make a memory."


"Some people think of science as rolling back the mystery of God while i see science as as creeping towards the mystery of God as here i have an example of consciousness existing outside the body and any physical parameters we associate with someone being conscious, that really changes how i look at what happens when the functions we associate with life disappear."




Another Harvard trained neurosurgeon is Dr Eben Alexander who says "Around five o'clock one morning i woke up with the early symptoms of a severe case of bacterial meningitis and as i write in my book my entire cerebral cortex shut down leaving that part of my brain responsible for all higher neurological function as dark as New York city during Hurricane Sandy".


"Yet in spite of the complete absence of neural activity in all but the deepest, most primitive parts of my brain, my identity, my sense of self, did not go dark, instead i underwent the most staggering experience of my life as my consciousness travelled to another dimension or world".


"Since telling my story i have resonated with people all over the world but i have also attracted considerable criticism from people appalled that a brain surgeon should make such claims as the consensus of my tribe is that the self is created through the electrochemical activity of the brain and its the body which creates the mind, hence when the body stops functioning so does the mind".




'So when i announced to the world that during my seven days of coma i not only remained fully conscious but journeyed to a world of beauty, peace and love, i knew i was stirring up a volatile pot and critics have maintained that my near death experience was a brain based delusion".


"Yet my synapses, the spaces between the neurons which support electrochemical activity and makes the brain function had stopped, only isolated pockets of deep cortical neurons were still spluttering but no broad networks capable of generating anything like what we call 'consciousness' and my doctors informed me there was no way any of the functions including vision, hearing, emotion, memory, language or logic could possibly have been intact".


"This is why i no longer doubt the existence of the world of expanded consciousness that NDE subjects, mystics, meditators, and countless other people have described for centuries, i also feel that my experience adds something new to those stories, it supplies a definitive new form of evidence that consciousness can exist beyond the body".




Consciousness is the prime mover, the first cause as explained within the Vedic scriptures of India and as well as professors of Neurology such as Dr John Lorber and brain surgeons such as Dr Allen Hamilton and Dr Eben Alexander we also find some of our greatest scientists investigating the mystery and non material nature of consciousness.


"We can admittedly find nothing in physics or chemistry which has even a remote bearing on consciousness, yet all of us know there is such a thing simply because we have it ourselves. Hence consciousness must be part of nature or more generally reality. Which means that quite apart from the laws laid down in quantum theory, we must also consider laws of quite a different kind". Nobel prize winner Niels Bohr.


"I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as a derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything we talk about, everything we regard as existing, postulates consciousness" Nobel prize winner Max Planck. “Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else.” Nobel prize winner 'Erwin Schrödinger'.




Last Updated (Tuesday, 07 February 2023 09:40)

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Well, initiation or no initiation, first thing is knowledge..... Initiation is formality. Just like you go to a school for knowledge, and admission is formality. That is not very important thing. (Srila Prabhupada, 16 October 1976, Chandigarh)