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Home Articles Righteousness And The Nature Of Rta




'Rta' is a word which is found within the ancient language of Sanskrit and can be seen to be at least 6000 years old as its mentioned over 450 times within the 'Rig Veda' hence its impotance within the ancient Vedic culture of India.


Rig Veda describes how 'Rta' whose meaning is 'righteousness' and 'Satya' whose meaning is 'truth' are born from the fires of austerity and how the god of the sun 'Surya' travels upon the two wheels of 'Rta' and 'Satya'.


'Rta' whose meaning is 'truth' and 'righteousness' enters the ancient lands of Iran where 'Rta' becomes 'Arta' meaning 'truth' and 'righteousness' and some 2500 years ago this could be seen within the names of Kings and Queens and warriors throughout this Aryan kingdom.




'Artastuna' was the wife of 'Darius the great' and daughter of 'Cyrus the great' a name which posseses 'Rta' whose meaning is 'truth' and this combines with 'Stuna' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'pillar' as in one who is a pillar ( stuna ) of truth ( rta ).

'Artaxerxes' was the grandson of 'Cyrus the great' and ruled the Achaemenid empire for some 40 years and his name is formed of 'Rta' meaning 'truth' which then combines with 'Ksi' and 'Ksa' roots within Sanskrit meaning to 'rule' as in one who rules ( ksi ) in truth ( rta ).

'Artaphernes' was a great warrior and brother of 'Darius the great' whose name is formed of 'Rta' meaning 'righteousness' which then combines with 'Varna' a word within Sanskrit whose meaning is 'quality' as in one who possesses the qualities ( varnas ) of truth ( varna ).




'Rta' is constructed from the verbal root 'R' which is pronounced 'Ri' and whose meaning is that which 'goes' that which 'moves' that which is in 'motion' that which 'rises' an expression of the cosmic law in harmony as each part has its proper place which runs smoothly for the welfare of the whole.


'Rta' is seen within epithets to the gods as in 'one who is born of rta' and 'one who possesses rta' and 'one who grows according to rta' and as it is the source of their power they are controlled by 'Rta' as they are duty bound to adhere to the cosmic laws known as 'Rta'.

'Rta' was observed amongst the Ksatriya race as warriors could only fight warriors, no unarmed warrior could be attacked nor could one fleeing the battlefield be killed and such principles were observed far and wide as seen within the Aryan lands of Iran where 'Rta' meaning 'truth' becomes 'Arta' meaning 'truth' and some 2500 years ago this formed many of their names.




'Artakama' was the wife of 'Ptolemy' who ruled throughout the Ptolemaic kingdom of Egypt and her name is formed of 'Rta' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'truth' and this combines with 'Kama' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'desire' as in one who desires ( kama ) truth ( rta ).

'Artadokhtar' is a name found within the ancient Aryan lands of Iran which is formed of 'Rta' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'righteous' and this combines with 'Duhitr' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'daughter' as in one who is a pure ( rta ) daughter ( duhitr ) an obvious Sanskrit word as it possesses 'Duh' meaning 'milker' as in she who performs ( tr ) milking ( duh ).

'Artabanus' was the son of 'Hystaspes' and brother of 'Darius' who appeared some 2500 years ago within the ancient Aryan lands of Iran and his name is formed of 'Rta' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'truth' and this combines with 'Bhanu' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'light' and 'splendour' as in the glory ( bhanu ) of righteousness ( rta ).




'Rta' is the physical and moral order of the universe and because of this the Sun and the Moon pursue their journey across the sky and the seasons of spring and summer and autumn and winter come and go in successive harmony.


'Rta' is an eternal moral order of the universe which is why we have a 'cosmos' and not a 'chaos' and those who follow the principles of 'Rta' through the performance of 'sacrifice' and 'ritual' and the words of the 'Rishis' have access to the very powers which drive and govern this universe.


'Rta' which is seen throughout these lands as 'Arta' meaning 'truth' was held in such esteem that the people of these lands gave it as a name for their children and it is said there may be as many as 100 names which possess 'Arta' meaning 'truth'.




'Artaxias' appeared some 2200 years ago and ruled the lands of 'Armenia' his name is formed of 'Rta' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'truth' and this combines with 'Ksa' and 'Ksi' roots within Sanskrit meaning to 'rule' as in one who rules ( ksi ) with truth ( rta ).

'Artatama' ruled the kingdom of 'Mittani' within the regions of 'Mesopotamia' some 3600 years ago and his name is formed of 'Rta' a word of Sanskrit meaning 'truth' and what seems to be 'Dharma' a word of Sanskrit meaning 'cosmic law' as in one who abides ( rta ) in cosmic law ( dharma ).

'Artapana' is a name found within the once Aryan lands of Iran and formed of 'Rta' a word of Sanskrit meaning 'truth' and 'Pana' a word of Sanskrit meaning to 'protect' to 'defend' as in one who protects ( pana ) truth ( rta ).




'Rta' whose meaning is 'truth' 'order' 'righteousness' 'divine law' can be seen within the language of Sanskrit as 'Rtastha' meaning one who stands ( stha ) in truth ( rta ) its seen within 'Rtavaka' meaning one who speaks ( vaka ) truth ( rta ) and its seen in 'Rtavrata' meaning one whose vow ( vrata ) is truth ( rta ).

'Rta' can also be seen as names from the ancient Vedic culture such as 'Rtambhara' the name of an ancient king whose meaning is one who upholds ( bhara ) truth ( rta ) and 'Rtadhaman' a name for 'Visnu' and 'Indra' whose meaning is one whose abode ( dhaman ) is truth ( rta ).

'Rta' is a moral force which pervades this universe and this was recognised within the lands of the Aryans where 'truth' and 'righteousness' were recognised as components of a universal structure and its importance can be recognised within the names they gave to their children.




'Artazusta' is a name found within the once Aryan lands of Iran which is formed of 'Rta' a word within Sanskrit whose meaning is 'truth' and this combines with 'Sustha' a word within Sanskrit whose meaning is to be 'happy' as in one who delights ( sustha ) in truth ( rta ).


'Artamanah' is a name found within the lands of Iran which is formed of 'Rta' a word within Sanskrit whose meaning is 'truth' and this combines with 'Manas' a word within Sanskrit whose meaning is 'mind' as in one who is truth ( rta ) minded ( manas ).


'Artahunara' is a name found within the once Aryan lands of Iran which is formed of 'Rta' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'truth' and this combines with 'Su' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'good' and 'Nara' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'man' as in the nobility ( su-nara ) of truth ( rta ).




”The Bactrian ( Persian ) is so greatly related to the old Indian language and in particular that of the Vedas that without exageration it can be called a dialect thereof". Professor H. Kern - About the word Zarathustra.


"Slowly and gradually it dawned upon them that the language of the Gatha and Zendavesta has very great kinship with the Sanskrta language. When the grammar of Panini, Katyayana and Patanjali was applied then the Gathas and Zendavesta came to be understood by the Westerners. The lesson from this amazing fact is clear that once the Iranians of the Gatha and Zendavesta and the Indo-Aryans of the Vedas formed one single race, speaking language akin to Samskrta." -  A Comparative Study of Religions By Y. Masih


"I am Darius the great King, King of Kings, King of many countries and many people, the King of this expansive land. The son of Archaemenid, the son of a Persian, Aryan from the Aryan race".



Last Updated (Sunday, 29 October 2023 08:12)

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