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Home Articles Darwins Black Box




Michael Behe is a professor of biology at Lehigh University in America, and within the year of 1996 he shocked the scientific world with his international best seller 'Darwins Black Box' a book which describes the stupendous nanotechnology which is found within a self replicating cell and a book which was voted one of the 100 most influential books of the twentieth century.


One hundred and fifty years previously Darwin had published his book 'Origin of Species' a book which was written under the illusion that the self replicating cell was a simple blob of protoplasm, an array of simple elements brought together by natural forces, yet one hundred and fifty years later the 'box' has been opened and science is now facing a world of stunning nanotechnology which could hardly appear by chance.


According to science, the human cell is more complicated than New York city with all its pipe works, sewage systems, electrical wiring, gas supplies, railways, roadways, subways, tramways, telecommunications, houses, skyscrapers, yet a cell is more complicated, and whats more, each of these cells contain enough information to fill over 8000 books, each book containing over 500 pages.



Human cells are reproduced in a way similar to reproducing cars as in a factory which possesses the raw materials, machines, information and machines which can read and apply the information and within cells we find the same, a factory, raw materials, machines, information and machines which can read and apply the information.


Now if someone suggests that the technology and mechanism for reproducing cars came from blind, purposeless, chance driven processes, they would be ridiculed, however, when someone explains how this stupendous nanotechnology of the self replicating cell comes from blind, purposeless, chance driven processes, they win the Nobel prize.


"It is for example impossible for evolution to account for the fact that one single cell can carry more information than all the volumes of Encyclopaedia Britannica put together"  -  Professor of Philosophy  -   Anthony Flew.




Don Johnson has PHDs in computer and information sciences and a PHD in chemistry and has spent some twenty years teaching in colleges throughout America and Europe and this is what he says about the cell. "The cell is not 'just' like a computer, the cell has thousands if not millions of computers, real computers, biological computers, they read the digital memory and transfer digital information, all the functionality of computers is built into every cell of every organism, and so there really is a network of computer systems in every cell."


If evolution is correct and life began some two to three billion years ago with the appearance of the first self replicating cell, then all of the machinery which enables a cell to reproduce itself must have been present, hence lightning striking a mud puddle not only produced a cell membrane but machines, information, machines which read information and thousands of biological computers.


The only reason we are able to recognise such mechanisms is due to the industrial and technological revolution which is only a few hundred years old, before this we would not have a clue as to what we were looking at yet these things, the highest technology ever discovered by human beings have been around for billions of years.




Darwins Black Box also describes a biological machine known as the 'bacterial flagellum' a machine which belongs to the e-coli, of which millions reside within our intestines, and some of them have a kind of tail which enables them to propel themselves through the intestinal waterways and when magnified some 30,000 times under an electron microscope, the mechanism of this tail has astonished the scientific world.

There is a motor, a propellor, a fuel line which provides acid as fuel, there is a rotar, a stator, a u - joint, a driveshaft, it is two speed, forward and reverse, it is water cooled and the propellor rotates at an astonishing 1000 revolutions per second, it is a marvel of engineering, a biological outboard motor which Howard Berg, a scientist at Harvard University describes as the most efficient machine within the universe.


"An honest man armed with all the knowledge available to us now could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost like a miracle"  -  Nobel prize winner  -  Francis Crick.




How is it possible to go from a bacteria which does not have an outboard motor to one that does ? How do blind, purposeless, chance driven processes make slight modifications to produce a biological outboard motor ? Where do you start ? How does a bacteria start mutating a motor, followed by a propellor, a fuel line powering the motor with acid which rotates the propellor at over 1000 revolutions per second and all from blind, purposeless, chance driven processes ?


As you lay upon your bed looking up at your ceiling fan spinning at a world record speed of 380 revolutions per minute compare this with the e-coli within your intestines whose propellors spin at over 1000 revolutions per second, which, although mainstream science makes little of it, is astonishing, its cosmic, its beyond science fiction, yet there is more, much more.


As you watch your fan spinning you press the reverse button and immediately the fan slows down and then gradually spins in the opposite direction, yet when an e-coli bacteria wishes to reverse it takes only a quarter turn for it to stop and spin in the opposite direction, 1000 revolutions per second, quarter turn and 1000 revolutions per second in the opposite direction, an astonishing technology which is millions if not billions of years old and which some suggest to be multi dimensional.




As one contemplates that computers, machines and digital information has existed upon this planet for billions of years, one has to also contemplate the existence of an intelligent designer. What scientists have discovered within a self replicating cell is every much astonishing as discovering life upon Mars and to declare that all of this came from lightning striking a mud puddle is not science.


When Charles Darwin published his 'Origin of Species' the cell was seen as a simple blob of protoplasm and so his theory carried the day. The black box of Michael J Behe has revealed an unimagineable world of biotechnology, and in keeping with the science he promoted, Charles Darwin and his outdated theory is incapable of surviving the science of the twenty first century.


"If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down." Charles Darwin.




Last Updated (Sunday, 02 April 2023 08:02)

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Jiva Gosvami ... says that Krsna, in His plenary expansion as Paramatma, is situated in the moving and the nonmoving entities as the Supersoul, so any neophyte devotee who simply gives his attention to the arca-murti, the form of the Supreme Lord in the temple, and does not respect other living entities is uselessly worshiping the form of the Lord in the temple.


There are three kinds of devotees of the Lord, and the neophyte is in the lowest stage. The neophyte devotee gives more attention to the Deity in the temple than to other devotees, so Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura warns that this sort of mentality should be corrected. A devotee should see that because Krsna is present in everyone's heart as Paramatma, every body is the embodiment or the temple of the Supreme Lord; so as one offers respect to the temple of the Lord, he should similarly properly respect each and every body in which the Paramatma dwells. Everyone should therefore be given proper respect and should not be neglected. (Bg 9.11 pp)