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Home Articles Sanskrit And The Letter 'K'




'A' is the beginning of language, a free flowing breath which is modified and trapped and its first entrapment is the lowest point in which the tongue touches the bridge of the mouth as in the guttural 'Ka' the first consonant of the language of Sanskrit as its the lowest possible point in which a consonant can be pronounced.


'Ka' is said to express 'curvilinear motion' as in the motion of the celestial spheres which determine our days and nights, our weeks and months and our years and seasons and which forms 'kal' whose meaning is the arrival ( al ) of cosmic motion ( k ) as in a passage of 'time' determined by the motions of the celestial bodies.


'Kal' bears the meaning of that which 'counts' and that which 'announces the time' as seen within 'kala' whose meaning is 'time' and as personified within 'Kali' the universal mother whose all pervasive presence is perceived through 'time' and as the ancients counted ( kal ) and calculated ( kal ) the months, days and years, both solar and lunar, they recorded them within a 'kalendar'.




As the ripples and motions of the celestial ocean 'ka' becomes 'kam' an ocean which flows throughout the hearts of man as one 'desires' 'loves' 'hankers' 'wishes' and 'longs for' an expression of the measure ( m ) of joy ( ka ) an encounter between that which is eternal ( ka ) and that which is limited ( m ) and a union between the divine light ( ka ) and the finite reality ( m ).


'Kam' whose meaning is to 'love' to 'desire' to 'hanker' is most active during the season of vasanta, hence springtime is known as 'kamala' the time to be frutive and as spring appears so does the lotus whose pale red, rose and orange flowers express the colours of passion, romance and love, hence the lotus and springtime are both known as 'kamala'.


'Kam' whose meaning is to 'love' is personified by the Vedic cupid, the god of love known as 'Kama Deva' and it is said that within the language of Latin they drop the 'K' and 'kama' whose meaning is 'love' is said by some to become 'amara' meaning 'love' from which comes 'amarous' 'paramour' 'amateur' 'amiable' 'amicable' 'amigo' 'enamor' 'enemy' and 'inimical'.




'Ka' whose meaning is 'curvilinear motion' expands to become 'kav' which has been described as that which is offered up ( av ) all around ( k ) as in the offerings to the gods of the celestial spheres, offerings of 'hymns' 'prayers' 'songs' and this then becomes 'kavi' the 'poets' the 'prophets' and the 'singers' whose poems and prayers describe the glories of the gods.


'Kavi' is the source of the 'Kayanians' a dynasty of kings who ruled over the Avesta kingdom of Iran whose names bore the prefix 'kay' or 'kavi' meaning 'visionary poet' as seen in 'Kavi Usadha' whose name also includes 'Usas' the dawn goddess of the Vedas and we have 'Kavi Husrava' which also includes 'susrava' a word from Sanskrit whose meaning is 'good fame' as in the visionary seer ( kavi ) of good ( su ) fame ( srava ).


All these names are to be found within the Iranian epic known as the 'Shahnameh' whose meaning is the book ( nameh ) of the king ( shah ) the 'shah' meaning 'king' is from 'ksa' and 'ksi' words from the language of Sanskrit meaning 'king' and the 'nameh' may be from 'nama' and 'naman' words from Sanskrit whose meanings are 'name' and 'fame'.




'K' which expresses a 'curvilinear motion' expands as 'Ku' a root from the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is that which is 'bad' that which is 'sinful' that which is 'mean' an expansion of its primordial meaning of that which is 'twisted' and 'crooked'.


'Ku' expressing that which is 'bad' is actually expressing that which is 'crooked' that which is 'twisted' that which is 'bent' and that which is 'curved' a multi dimensional reality which becomes the metaphysical reality of that which is 'bad' as can be seen within words such as 'kucara' meaning 'wicked man' and 'kuteru' meaning 'deformed' and 'kurupa' which also means 'deformed' as in one possessing a crooked ( ku ) form ( rupa ).


'Ku' whose meaning is 'bad' but whose primordial meaning is 'crooked' and 'twisted' expresses itself in this way in the form of 'Kubja' the great hunchback devotee of the lord who appeared some 5000 years ago and whose name means one who was born ( ja ) crooked ( ku ).




'Ku' whose expression is one of a 'curvilinear motion' expands to become 'kup' a word from the language of Sanskrit which has been described as to 'move in a contorted way' and whose meaning is that which is 'excited' that which is 'agitated' that which 'swells up' and this can be seen within 'Cupid' the god of love whose name means that which 'desires' that which is 'passionate' and that which is 'lusty'.


'Ku' can also be seen within the god of wealth who is known as 'Kubera' and 'Kuvera' his name meaning one who has a deformed ( ku ) body ( vera ) and his name seems to be present throughout the lands of Afghanistan as in the 'Khyber' mountain range, the 'Khyber' pass and the 'Kabul' river.


'Ku' also expands to become 'kuc' whose meaning is to 'bend' to 'make crooked' to 'make curved' and this becomes 'kuca' whose meaning is the 'female breast' so named due to its curved appearance and from all of this we get 'curvus' a word from the language of Latin which then becomes the word 'curve' as in that which is 'crooked' that which is 'bent'.




'K' whose expression is a 'curvilinear motion' becomes 'Kr' a root from the language of Sanskrit which has been described as that which performs ( r ) a movement in space ( k ) and whose meaning is to 'do' to 'make' to 'perform' and throughout the lands of Europe we see it within the words 'create' and 'creation'.


'Kr' is the root of 'kara' whose meaning is 'causal' and this expands to become 'karana' whose meaning is the causal ( kara ) ocean ( na ) its also the root of 'karma' and 'kriya' whose meanings are 'action' and it forms the word 'sukriti' whose meaning is good ( su ) actions ( kriti ) and also 'Sanskrit' whose meaning is put ( kr ) together ( san ) well.


'Kr' also becomes 'krt' a word from the language of Sanskrit which has been described as that which acts ( kr ) between two points ( t ) as in that which 'cuts' that which 'divides' that which 'tears asunder' and this can be seen within words such as 'curt' and 'curtail' whose meanings are to 'cut short' and also 'carpet' which is made from plucked fabric.




'Kr' whose meaning is to 'make' also becomes 'krp' which has been described as giving form ( kr ) to that which is pure ( p ) and whose meaning is 'beautiful form' and this can be seen within 'corpus' a word from the language of Latin whose meaning is 'body' and 'form' as seen in 'corpus christi' meaning the 'body of christ'.


'Krp' whose meaning is 'form' can also be seen within 'corpse' as in a 'dead body' it can be seen within 'corporation' as in a 'body of people' it can be seen within 'corpuscle' as in a 'small body' it can be seen within 'corpulent' as in a 'fat body' it can be seen within 'corporal' as in 'belonging to the body' it can be seen within 'incorporeal' as in 'spiritual' or one 'without a body' and it can be seen within 'corporal punishment' as in to be 'punished by the body'.


'Krp' whose meaning is 'form' which becomes 'corpus' whose meaning is 'body' can also be seen within the ancient fairies of Ireland who were known as the 'Leprechauns' its original name being 'luchropan' the 'lu' meaning 'small' from the Sanskrit 'laghu' meaning 'small' hence the name meaning that which possesses a small ( lu ) body ( chropan ).




"Kr' whose meaning is to 'do' also becomes 'krs' which has been described as 'to act ( kr ) in connection with ( s )' a word which expresses the cultivation of the earth as in to 'drag' to 'pull' to 'plough' to 'farm' and this becomes 'krsa' whose meaning is 'ploughshare' it becomes 'krsaka' whose meaning is 'farmer' and it also becomes the holy name of 'Krsna'.


'Krsna' is so named as he is that which is 'all attractive' as in that which pulls and drags our mind and senses either directly through devotional service or indirectly through maya and so Krsna is that which possesses 'traction' and we can see the relationship between his name and its root 'krs' which means to 'pull' to 'drag' to possess 'traction'.


'Krs' whose meaning is to 'plough' to 'farm' also bears the meaning of that which 'cultivates' that which 'masters' that which 'influences' and this then becomes 'krsti' whose meaning is 'teacher' and although the Greeks declare that 'Christ' is from 'khrio' whose meaning is 'anointed' its difficult to ignore the similarity between the Sanskrit 'krsti' meaning 'teacher' and the Greek 'khristos' meaning 'anointed'.



Last Updated (Friday, 11 February 2022 22:51)

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My dear Lord Nrisimhadeva, I see that there are many saintly persons indeed, but they are interested only in their own deliverance. Not caring for the big cities and towns, they go to the Himalayas or the forest to meditate with vows of silence [mauna-vrata]. They are not interested in delivering others. As for me, however, I do not wish to be liberated alone, leaving aside all these poor fools and rascals. I know that without Krishna consciousness, without taking shelter of Your lotus feet, one cannot be happy. Therefore I wish to bring them back to shelter at Your lotus feet. (SB 7.9.44)