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Home Articles Sanskrit And Teotihuacan




Aztecs flourished around the fourteenth to sixteenth century their centre being Mexico and the densely populated Mexico valley and here they built the great spiritual complex known as 'Teotihuacan' an empire which ended around 1520 and the arrival of the peace loving and broad minded Christians.


The 'valley of the dead' the 'pyramid of the sun' and the 'pyramid of the moon' are some of the monuments built within 'Teotihuacan' a name which is formed from the Aztec 'teotl' whose meaning is 'god' its root 'teo' being the Latin 'deo' and 'deus' meaning 'god' and both are related to the Sanskrit 'dyus' meaning 'divine' and the second part 'huacan' means 'temple' as in the temple ( huacan ) of the gods ( teotl ).


'Teotlalco' is a famous Aztec princess whose name possesses the stem 'teotl' and the root 'teo' whose meaning is 'god' which is very much related to 'deo' and 'deus' words from the language of Latin whose meaning is 'god' which is related to 'dyus' a word from the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is 'divine'.




Her husbands name 'Moctezuma' is translated 'Mo  -  tecu  -  zoma' the 'mo' being the Aztec 'mu' which may mean 'divine chief' and the 'zoma' seems to be 'soma' a word from the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is 'moon god' a deity which was worshipped by the Aztecs as seen in the 'pyramid of the moon'.


'Teocalli' is a word from the Aztec language meaning house ( calli ) of god ( teo ) and cognate with 'deicella' a word from Latin meaning the house ( cella ) of god ( deo ) all of which are cognates of the Sanskrit words 'dyus' meaning 'divine' and 'kula' meaning 'house' similarities which many have recognised.


"That primitive Aryan words and people came to America especially from Indo - Arya by the island chains of Polynesia. The very name of the boat in Mexico is "catamaran" a South Indian ( Tamil ) word. After 30 years of research i can now claim to have proved my theory of Hindu colonisation of America. The stones in every corner of America speak of Hindu influences". Miles Poindexter - United States Ambassador.




Another great complex of South America was 'Tiwanaku' and like the Incas and the Mayans and the Aztecs they were worshippers of the Sun, their very land was a monument to the Sun and according to Arthur Posnansky its a complex which goes back in time over 15,000 years.


The picture above shows this complex of Tiwanaku and on the left we can see the Akapana pyramid whose name is formed from 'pana' and 'pani' words from the language of Sanskrit meaning 'water' 'drink' 'canal' and the 'aka' is 'arka' a word from the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is 'Sun' as in the water ( pana ) of the sun ( arka ) or the canal ( pana ) of the sun ( arka ).


Akapana pyramid performs a vital function which makes its name self explanatory in that at a height of 12,000 feet above sea level crops could be very easily killed by the frost and cold but atop the pyramid was a huge water tank whose waters were warmed by the Sun and as the warm water seeped slowly through a complex system of irrigation channels it made crops possible hence its name the waters ( pana ) of the sun ( arka ).




As we look to the right of the Akapana pyramid we see the temple of 'Kalasasaya' a name which possesses two words from the language of Sanskrit as in 'kala' meaning 'time' and 'sasaya' meaning 'abundant' and 'ever flowing' and considering these temples served as cosmic observatories the name 'abundant time' and 'eternally flowing time' seems appropriate.


We see the word 'kala' again within 'Kerikala' which can be found at the top right hand side of the picture and a name which can be found within the language of Tamil as the name of an early Chola king, the Tamil civilisation being a big part of the Vedic civilisation of India.


We also find below the pyramid of Akapana the temple known as 'Kantatalita' a name which also possesses the Sanskrit names 'kanta' whose meaning is 'beautiful' 'pleasing' 'moon' and also 'talita' whose meaning is 'fixed' and 'placed' and once again we have an appropriate name 'the fixed ( talita ) moon ( kanta )' for a temple observatory and although these are simply speculations its strange how all these names are composed of two Sanskrit words and in at least one instance these Sanskrit words explain the purpose and function of the temple.




Academics see only 'stones' and according to them the original name for Tiwanaku was 'Taypikala' whose meaning is 'stones in the middle' the meaning of 'Kalasasaya' is 'stopped stones' and the meaning of 'Kerikala' is 'more stones' all they can see is stones.


These spiritual and cosmological complexes are created over many lifetimes, a civilisation of men and women applying their strength and wisdom to observe and harness the movements of the great cosmic ocean and upon completion they bestow upon these structures highly imaginative and devotional names such as 'stones' 'stones in the middle' and 'more stones'.


The liberating touch of Sanskrit and the Vedas breathes life into these names as Arkapana becomes the waters ( pana ) of the Sun' ( arka ) and Taypikala becomes the time ( kala ) of the Sun ( tapa ) and Kantatalita becomes the fixed ( talita ) moon ( kanta ) and Kerikala is also related to 'time' all themes one would expect from a civilisation of star gazers and worshippers of the Sun and Moon.



Last Updated (Thursday, 20 June 2024 15:38)

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