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Home Articles Arka And The Temple Of The Sun




'R' expresses 'reaching' 'arriving' 'moving' while 'C' expresses 'circular motion' and combined they form 'Rc' a root from the language of Sanskrit described as that which arrives ( r ) all around ( c ) and that which reaches ( r ) all around ( c ) a root whose meaning is to 'praise' to 'worship'.


'Rc' whose meaning is to 'praise' to 'worship' is the root of 'rca' whose meaning is 'sacred verse' its the root of 'rcati' whose meaning is to 'praise' and its the root of 'rig' a word we see as the 'Rig Vedas' whose meaning is the knowledge ( veda ) of hymns ( rig ).


'Rc' whose meaning is to 'praise' is the root of 'arc' a word which expresses the synonymous meaning of 'light' and 'worship' as it describes the light and the praise which arrive ( ar ) all around ( c ) as the Sun arcs across the sky while the priests would offer their worship.




'Arc' which is composed of the synonymous meaning of 'light' and 'praise' expands to become 'Arka' an ancient name for the Sun whose meaning is explained within the Brihadaranyaka Upanisads where it says 'one who prays ( arc ) before me happiness ( ka ) will come'.


'Arka' whose meaning is 'Sun' can be seen within 'Konark' whose meaning is the angle ( kona ) of the sun ( arka ) and the name for the famous temple of the Sun which can be found upon the shores of Orissa which Tagore describes as 'a language of stone which surpasses the language of humans'.


Ancients understood how utterly dependent life was upon the Sun and they glorified it according to sastra in the form of a huge chariot drawn by seven horses and twelve pairs of exquisitely decorated wheels, each serving as sun dials recording the time of day, the changing seasons as well as the solar and lunar cycles.




Orissan art decorates Konark with celestial dancers, musicians, lovers, erotic art, courtly intrigue, animals, celestial creatures and intricate geometrical designs, all under the watchful eye of Surya, the great god of the Sun whose life giving rays sustain this great dance of life.


A much greater attraction however was the main temple of Konark which soared to a height of 225 feet and at the top of this temple was a giant loadstone, a magnet weighing 52 tons and at the bottom of the temple was another magnet and through this arrangement of magnets the deity of the Sun would float in the air.


The temple was built around the 13th century and designed in such a way that the first rays of the morning Sun would fall upon and reflect the beautiful diamond upon the crown of the Sun, whose glories were expressed throughout the whole of Konark which served as an observatory recording the angle ( kona ) of the sun ( arka ).




'Arka' a word from the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is 'Sun' may also be seen within 'Arkaim' an ancient city of Russia which is dated around 6000 years old and known as the Russian Stonehenge, the swastika city and also the home of the Aryans and when we consider it was once an astrological observatory and a temple of Sun worship it seems to be related to 'Arka' whose meaning is 'Sun'.


Arka was of a circular structure with a diameter of 160 metres whose four gates were all in line with the cardinal points and the walls, some five metres thick, were surrounded on the outside by a moat to protect its citizens and over time numerous artifacts have been excavated bearing the symbol of the swastika.


Arkaim is the site of numerous burial sites where horses and chariots were buried with their owner and master as per the rituals we find within the ancient Rig Veda and this has led to claims of Aryan migrations from Russia, however gold watches are not the source of the gold mines which are found throughout the lands of Vedic India.




'Arka' whose meaning is the 'Sun' may also be found within South America where we find the 'Akapana' a pyramid which may also possess 'pana' and 'pani' words from the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is 'drinking' and 'canal' as in drinking ( pana ) from the sun ( arka ) or the canal ( pana ) of the sun ( arka ).


The reason for such a speculation is atop the pyramid they built a huge water tank where water slowly seeped into a complex system of channels used for irrigation and at a height of some 12,000 ft above sea level this water which was warmed by the Sun enabled their crops to survive the cold nights hence the canal ( pana ) of the Sun ( arka ).


Throughout this ancient complex we find names such as 'Kalasasaya' which would translate as abundant ( sasaya ) time ( kala ) and 'Kantatalita' which would translate as fixed ( talita ) moon ( kanta ) and 'Kerikala' which is the name of one of the early Chola kings of India hence there may very well be a Vedic and Sanskrit influence which is present.



Last Updated (Monday, 20 November 2023 18:58)

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Well, initiation or no initiation, first thing is knowledge..... Initiation is formality. Just like you go to a school for knowledge, and admission is formality. That is not very important thing. (Srila Prabhupada, 16 October 1976, Chandigarh)