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Home Articles Sanskrit And Greek - One Hundred Names




'Socrates' is a name within Ancient Greece whose 'Crates' meaning 'power' is related to 'Kr' a root within Sanskrit meaning to 'do' to 'make' and this expands as 'Kratu' meaning 'planning' 'intelligence' 'power' and seen here in 'socrates' meaning one who possesses whole ( sos ) power ( krates ).


'Hippocrates' is a name within Ancient Greece which possesses this same 'Krates' meaning 'power' which is related to 'Kratu' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'power' as in one as powerful ( krates ) as a horse ( hippo ) and we also have 'Eukrates' 'Alexikrates' 'Stasikrates' 'Eurykrates' 'Apollokrates' 'Timokrates'

'Polykrates' is a name within Ancient Greece and once again this same 'Krates' meaning 'power' which is related to 'Kratu' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'power' as in one who possesses much ( poly ) power ( krates ) and we also have 'Menekrates' 'Epikrates' 'Callikrates' 'Autokrates' 'Pherekrates' 'Amphikrates'.




'Cleopatra' is a name within Ancient Greece whose 'Cleo' meaning 'glories' is the Sanskrit 'Sru' meaning to 'hear' as it goes from 'Sru' to 'Klu' to 'Kleo' and the 'Patra' meaning 'father' is 'Pitr' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'father' as in the glories ( cleo ) of the father ( patra ).


'Cleostratus' is a name within Ancient Greece possessing this same 'Cleo' meaning 'glories' which is related to 'Sru' a word within Sanskrit meaning to 'hear' as in the glorious ( cleo ) army ( stratus ) and other names are 'Patroclus' 'Themistocles' 'Euclid' and 'Hercules'.


'Sophocles' is a name within Ancient Greece possessing this same 'Cleo' meaning 'glories' and related to 'Sru' a word within Sanskrit meaning to 'hear' as in the glories ( cles ) of wisdom ( sophos ) and other names are 'Charicles' 'Pericles' 'Damocles' 'Aristocles' and 'Androcles'.




'Polygnotus' is a name within Ancient Greece whose 'Poly' meaning 'much' is related to 'Puru' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'much' as in one who knows ( gnotus ) much ( poly ) and we have other names such as 'Polydeukes' meaning that which is very ( poly ) sweet ( deukes ).


'Polystratos' is a name within Ancient Greece possessing this same 'Poly' meaning 'much' which is related to 'Puru' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'much' as in one possessing many ( poly ) armies ( stratos ) and we also have 'Polykarpos' meaning one possessing many ( poly ) fruits ( karpos ).


'Polydorus' is a name within Ancient Greece possessing this same 'Poly' meaning 'much' which is related to 'Puru' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'much' as in one who possesses many ( poly ) gifts ( dorus ) and we also have 'Polychares' meaning one who possesses much ( poly ) joy ( chara ).




'Demosthenes' is a name within Ancient Greece whose 'Sthenos' meaning 'strength' is related to 'Sthana' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'strength' 'support' 'stronghold' as in the strength ( sthenos ) of the people ( demos ) and we have other names such as 'Kallisthenes' and 'Megasthenes'.


'Eurysthenes' is a name within Ancient Greece possessing this same 'Sthenos' meaning 'strength' which is related to 'Sthana' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'strength' as in one whose strength/rule ( sthenos ) is wide and broad ( eury ) and we also have names such as 'Autosthenes' and 'Antisthenes'.


'Leosthenes' is a name within Ancient Greece possessing this same 'Sthenos' meaning 'strength' which is related to 'Sthana' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'strength' as in one who possesses the strength ( sthenes ) of a lion ( leo ) and we also have 'Eratosthenes' and 'Epistheneia'.




'Medusa' is a name within Ancient Greece which is formed of 'Medo' meaning to 'measure' to 'weigh' to 'calculate' and this is related to 'Mada' a word within Sanskrit whose meaning is to 'measure' to 'weigh' to 'calculate' the name of 'Medusa' meaning one who 'guards' one who 'protects'.


'Archimedes' is a name within Ancient Greece which also possesses this 'Medo' whose meaning is to 'measure' which is related to 'Mada' a word within Sanskrit whose meaning is to 'measure' to 'weigh' to 'calculate' as in one who is the master ( archi ) thinker ( medo ).


'Diomedes' is a name within Ancient Greece which possesses this 'Medo' meaning to 'measure' to 'weigh' to 'calculate' which is related to 'Mada' a word within Sanskrit meaning to 'measure' to 'weigh' as in one as cunning ( medo ) as zeus ( dio ) and we also have the names 'Cleomedes' 'Medea' and 'Eurymedes'.


'Archistratus' is a name within Ancient Greece whose 'Stratos' meaning that which is 'spread out' that which is an 'army' is related to 'Str' and 'Strta' words within Sanskrit meaning to 'spread' 'scatter' 'bestrewn' as in one who rules ( archon ) an army ( stratos ) and we also have 'Timostratos' and 'Demostratus'.


'Kallistratus' is a name within Ancient Greece possessing this same 'Stratos' meaning 'scattered' and 'army' and related to 'Strta' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'scattered' and 'spread' as in one who possesses a beautiful ( kalli ) army ( stratos ) and we also have 'Deinostratus' and 'Hegestratos'.


'Cleostratus' is a name within Ancient Greece possessing this same 'Stratos' meaning 'scattered' and 'army' and related to 'Strta' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'scattered' and 'spread' as in one who possesses a glorious ( cleo ) army ( stratos ) and we also have 'Hippostratus' 'Lysistratos' and 'Erasistratus'.




'Nike' is a name within Ancient Greece whose meaning is 'victory' and this is related to 'Ni' a root within Sanskrit meaning to 'lead' to 'guide' to 'govern' as seen within the 'Nitisastra' which deals with 'governance' and we also have 'Nikarchos' meaning the victorious ( nike ) master ( archon ).


'Nicanor' is a name within Ancient Greece possessing 'Nike' meaning 'victory' whose root is the Sanskrit 'Ni' meaning to 'lead' as in one victorious ( nike ) over man ( andros ) and we have 'Nikarete' meaning one virtuous ( arete ) in victory ( nike ) and we also have 'Nikodemus' and 'Nikephoros' and 'Berenice'.


'Alexinikos' is a name within Ancient Greece possessing this 'Nike' meaning 'victory' whose root is the Sanskrit 'Ni' meaning to 'lead' as in one who protects ( alexis ) the victorious ( nike ) and we also have 'Stratonikos' whose meaning is one who possesses a victorious ( nike ) army ( stratos ).




'Charis' is seen as a goddess of Ancient Greece and her name meaning 'grace' and 'kindness' is related to 'Hary' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'pleasing' and 'fondness' and the Greeks who enjoy nothing better than adding a 'K' to an 'H' create 'Kharis' meaning 'grace' as seen in words such as 'Charisma'.


'Polychares' is a name within Ancient Greece possessing this 'Chares' meaning 'kindness' which is related to 'Hary' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'pleasing' as in one who possesses much ( poly ) grace ( chares ) and we also have 'Nikochares' meaning one who is graceful ( chares ) in victory ( nike ).


'Thymochares' is a name within Ancient Greece which also possesses 'Chares' meaning 'grace' and related to 'Hary' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'pleasing' as in one who is a graceful ( chares ) soul ( thymos ) and we also have other names such as 'Chares' and 'Cleochares' and 'Charisandros'.




'Dike' is seen as the goddess of justice within Ancient Greece and this is related to 'Dis' a word within the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is to 'point out' to 'indicate' to 'show' and the Greeks being the Greeks have a tendency to turn an 'S' into a 'K' and we get 'Dike' the goddess of justice.


'Eurydice' is a name within Ancient Greece which also possesses this 'Dike' meaning 'justice' which is related to 'Dis' a word within Sanskrit meaning to 'point out' to 'show' as in one whose justice ( dike ) is broad ( eury ) and we also have 'Agnodice' meaning one who is chaste ( agno ) before justice ( dike ).


'Archedike' is a name within Ancient Greece possessing this 'Dike' meaning 'justice' which is related to 'Dis' a word within Sanskrit meaning to 'show' to 'indicate' to 'point out' as in one who rules ( archon ) with justice ( dike ) and we also have names such as 'Laodice' and 'Praxidike' and 'Aristodike' and 'Alexidike'.




'Atlas' is seen as a god who bears upon his shoulders the celestial spheres and his name whose meaning is one who 'supports' one who 'bears' one who 'upholds' is related to 'Tula' a word within the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is to 'raise' to 'weigh' to 'scale' to 'balance'.


'Telemon' is a warrior within Ancient Greece who is seen within their architecture bearing the weight of a column and this possesses the same 'Tala' and 'Tele' we see within 'Atlas' meaning to 'bear' which is related to 'Tula' a word within Sanskrit meaning to 'raise' to 'weigh' to 'balance'.


'Tantalus' is a warrior within Ancient Greece whose name means one who 'bears' indeed it can be seen within the word 'Tantalise' and this is related to 'Tula' a word within the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is that which 'raises' that which 'scales' that which 'weighs'.




'Cassandra' is a name within Ancient Greece whose 'Andros' meaning 'man' has its origins within 'Nara' a word within the language of Sanskrit meaning 'man' and this evolves as 'Nara' 'Ner' 'Aner' 'Andr' 'Andros' the name meaning she who shines ( kasa ) among men ( andros ).

'Philandros' is a name within Ancient Greece possessing this 'Andros' meaning 'man' which is related to 'Nara' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'man' as in one who is a lover ( philo ) of man ( andros ) and we also have names such as 'Charisandros' 'Leandros' 'Menandros' 'Andromeda'.


'Aleksandros' is a name within Ancient Greece which also possesses 'Andros' meaning 'man' which is related to 'Nara' a word within Sanskrit meaning 'man' as in one who protects ( alexis ) man ( andros ) and we also have names such as 'Epandros' and 'Telesandros' and 'Lyssandros'.


'Zeus' is seen as the supreme god of Ancient Greece where its name means 'god' and this is very much related to 'Deus' a word within Latin whose meaning is 'god' and the origin of both these names is 'Dyu' and 'Dyus' words within the language of Sanskrit whose meaning is 'divine' and 'heavenly' and we also have 'Diomedes' and 'Dionysos'.


'Plato' is seen as the great philosopher of Ancient Greece and his name whose meaning is 'broad' as in one who is 'broad shouldered' has its origin within 'Pra' a root within Sanskrit meaning to 'advance' which expands as 'Prath' meaning to 'spread' which becomes 'Prthu' meaning 'wide' and 'broad'.


'Pythagoras' is a great philosopher and mathematician of Ancient Greece and his name has its origins in 'Pu' and 'Puta' words within Sanskrit meaning to 'rot' to 'stink' that which needs 'cleansing' and also 'Grama' a word in Sanskrit meaning 'community' as in one who has the assembly ( agoras ) of apollo ( pythia ) and this makes up one hundred names of Greece which are all related to Sanskrit.




“If I were asked what I consider the most important discovery which has been made during 19th century with all respect to the ancient history of mankind, I should say this was the simple etymological equation : Sanskrit Dyaus-Pitr = Greek Zeus Pater = Latin Jupiter."  - Max Müller.


"Panini's grammar is the earliest scientific grammar in the world, the earliest extant grammar of any language, and one of the greatest ever written. It was the discovery of Sanskrit by the West, at the end of the 18th century, and the study of Indian methods of analysing language that revolutionised our study of language and grammar, and gave rise to our science of comparative philology”. - Walter Eugene Clark - The Legacy of India, p. 339-340.

“The affinity between the Greek language and the old Parsee and Sanskrit is certain and essential. The use of cognate idioms prove that the nations who used them to have descended from the same stock. That the religion of the Greeks emanated from an Eastern shore no-one will deny. We must therefore suppose the religion, as well as the language of Greece to have been derived, in great part, largely from the east”. Dr Prichard - Physical History Of Man.



Last Updated (Wednesday, 29 November 2023 08:59)

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At the airport on the day of Srila Prabhupada's first visit to the UK, he boldly replied to reporters who asked,


“What have you come to teach us?”


“I have come to teach you what you have forgotten—God.”


“These boys and girls who are following me, they are very elevated. They are not ordinary boys and girls...”


A few years later during darshan in his rooms at The Manor, he made the following statement:


“In your last lives you were all brahmanas, otherwise how could you so quickly come to this platform of Krishna consciousness. Actually, you were all ordered by my Guru Maharaja to take birth to help me to spread this movement.”


Srila Prabhupada then lent back, paused briefly while he looked at us, and then with a most beautiful smile said,


“And now we are all together again”.