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Home Articles Darwin's Fairy Tales - The Woodpecker




A woodpecker will close its eyes during pecking so that its eyes do not pop out such is the force by which they peck and while humans suffer concussions between 80 to 100gs, the woodpeckers head decelerates at 1200gs which is the equivalent of coming to an immediate stop at 26,000 miles an hour.


Woodpeckers can spend all day continually drilling upon the tree at an astonishing rate of twenty two times per second and although it happily spends the rest of its life drumming upon these trees they never get to suffer any form of brain damage.


A hard but elastic beak is designed in such a way to prolong its longevity and an area of spongy bone within its skull as well as the interaction between the skull and the cerebrospinal fluid to suppress vibration are what enables the impossible to become possible.




One woodpecker which is utterly unique is the European green woodpecker whose tongue starts at the back of the throat and then it travels down and along the back of its neck and upwards over the top of its head, between its eyes and then down and out through its beak.


Such a unique mechanism allows the woodpecker to protrude its tongue some six inches ( 150 ) enabling it to reach its grubs and of course evolutionists are very expert at 'explaining away' yet nobody has provided any adequate evolutionary explanation for this.


As the woodpecker drills its hole it then has to get its grubs out and this is accomplished by a little chemical factory within its mouth which provides glue for the tip of its tongue which then sticks to the grub and when the tongue returns to its mouth other chemicals dissolve the glue enabling it to swallow its meal.



There are many other amazing things about the woodpecker which include its unique feet and feathers yet according to the theory of evolution millions of years ago it was a normal bird with normal feet, normal feathers, normal beak and normal tongue with no glue factory.


As time passed by its tongue wraps around its head like a turban and the tip of this tongue begins to secrete glue while the woodpecker gradually develops the ability to peck at twice the speed of a machine gun and all of this simply to reach those tasty little grubs.


All around the woodpecker there are caterpillars, ants, woodlice and a whole forest of delicious eatables yet the evolutionists inform us that it evolves into this impossible machine simply to reach grubs at the back of a tree and set up home and once again this seems like another Darwin fairy tale as they completely ignore how these abilities have always been there as it was designed that way.



"I do not wish to believe in God, therefore I choose to believe in that which I know to be scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation leading to evolution." Nobel prize winner George Wald.


"The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation ... His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection." Albert Einstein.


"Posterity will one day laugh at the foolishness of modern materialistic philosophers. The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator." Louis Pasteur.



Last Updated (Monday, 28 November 2022 17:14)

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Krishna consciousness means we should always be satisfied and happy, not that we must work something impossible, become overburdened and then, because we are unhappy by so much trouble, we lose enthusiasm and give up all hope. By all means we must preserve our spiritual status. That is the point.


Not that we are mad after big buildings, many devotees, life members, this, that. No. These are only the ways to engage the devotees, so that they may apply the principles of devotional service to some kind of work. It is not the result of the work that we want. If we sincerely preach to only one person a day, that is sufficient, never mind big, big programs.